Baked Chicken Meatballs with Quinoa & Oats
By Jummana Lotfy • August 20, 2015
4 servings
30 min

From 12 months.
These baked chicken quinoa meatballs are low in fat and high in protein. The quinoa adds the perfect texture to these kid-friendly meatballs that are not only healthy and nutritious, but also packed with flavor. Enjoy!
Recipe by Jummana Lotfy.
- 450 gram chicken breast - صدور دجاج
- 1/2 cup quinoa - كينوا
- 1/3 cup quick oats - شوفان سريع التحضير
- 4 piece garlic cloves - فصوص ثوم
- 1 medium red onion - بصلة حمراء
- 1-2 teaspoon Dijon mustard - مسطردة ديجون
- 1 handful parsley - بقدونس
- 1 pinch turmeric - كركم
- 1 pinch ginger powder - بودرة جنزبيل
- 1 pinch red pepper powder - فلفل أحمر مطحون
- 1 pinch black pepper - فلفل أسود
- 1 pinch sea salt - ملح البحر
- 1 teaspoon honey (or any natural sweetener) - عسل
- 1 drizzle olive oil (for greasing) - زيت زيتون
- 1 egg - بيضة
Step by step
- Cook quinoa according to package directions. Put all the above ingredients (except for the quick oats & 1 egg) with the cooked quinoa in a food processor and pulse until it looks like a paste.
- Mix 1/3 cup of quick oats & 1 egg with the minced chicken in a bowl.
- Form into balls and place on baking sheet. Brush the baking sheet and meatballs with a little olive oil (optional).
- Bake in a 200C oven for 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned and cooked through. Make sure to toss them around a few times while baking.
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