Oregano & Sumac Chicken with Classic Freekeh

By shahdan • April 5, 2017

4 servings
30 min
Oregano & Sumac Chicken with Classic Freekeh

Oregano & sumac marinated chicken breast fillets are served on a bed of nutritious freekeh, and drizzled with sweet and tangy pomegranate molasses, with a side of fragrant minted yoghurt. This is a delicious meal ready in only 30 minutes.

To cook the chicken quickly and evenly, ask your butcher to cut every chicken breast into 2 thin fillets.

For best results marinate overnight. The chicken is still delicious when marinated and cooked instantly.


  • 4 medium chicken breast fillet (each cut into 2 thin fillets) - صدور فيليه الدجاج
  • 2 tablespoon vinegar - خل
  • 2 teaspoon Dijon mustard - مسطردة ديجون
  • 1 teaspoon oregano - أوريجانو/ زعتر
  • 1 teaspoon sumac - سماق
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder - بودرة ثوم
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil - زيت زيتون
  • 1 medium onion (minced) - بصلة
  • 2 cup freekeh - فريك
  • 3 1/3 cup vegetable stock (warm) - مرقة خضار
  • 1 small lime - ليمون بلدي
  • 1 drizzle pomegranate molasses - دبس رمان
  • 1 tablespoon pine nuts (toasted - OPTIONAL for garnish) - صنوبر
  • 6 leaves mint (optional for garnish) - نعناع
  • 1 cup yoghurt - زبادي
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried mint - نعناع مجفف/ ناشف
  • salt and pepper (to taste) - ملح و فلفل

Step by step

  1. Marinate the chicken with vinegar, mustard, oregano, sumac and garlic powder, salt and pepper. Set aside.
  2. To cook the freekeh, wash throughly with running water. Then sauté minced onion in 1 tablespoon olive oil until soft. Add freekeh and stir followed by the heated stock. Cover the pot and leave to simmer on low heat for 20-25 minutes until freekeh is soft and stock is absorbed. Set aside.
  3. In a large pan or skillet, heat the remaining olive oil. Cook chicken fillets for a few minutes on one side, flip, squeeze lime over it and cook the other side and let it cook through.
  4. Mix yoghurt with dried mint and transfer to a small serving bowl.
  5. In a small pan, toast pine nuts for a couple of minutes on low heat until golden.
  6. Transfer the freekeh to a large serving platter and sprinkle with toasted pine nuts and fresh mint leaves. Arrange chicken next to the freekeh and drizzle with pomegranate molasses. Serve immediately with minted yoghurt and fresh lemon wedges.


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