Simple Grilled Salmon & Mixed Veggies
By Fatema Saad • February 11, 2016
4 servings
30 min

This recipe is an entry to #MyBestDish cooking competition with
This recipe is an entry to #MyBestDish cooking competition with
This grilled salmon and mixed veggies, is quite simple, and almost needs no prepreprations or much skill. You just need to have these very few fresh ingredients.
This recipe was uploaded by Fatema Saad from The Fortune Kitchen.
- 1 fillet salmon (150-200g) - سمك السلمون
- 1/2 cup broccoli (florets) - بروكلى
- 1/2 cup cauliflower (florets) - قرنبيط
- 1/4 cup mushrooms (sliced) - عش الغراب
- 1 drizzle coconut oil - زيت جوز الهند
- salt and pepper (to taste) - ملح و فلفل
- 2 pinch paprika - بابريكا / فلفل أحمر
- 1 whole lime (juiced) - ليمون بلدي
Step by step
- Marinate veggies with salt, black pepper, pinch of paprika and lime juice. Set a side.
- Put a grilling skillet on medium heat and add the salmon. Spread only half the coconut oil, salt, pepper and pinch of paprika on the salmon and cook on each side for 5 minutes.
- In the mean time, stir fry your vegetables with the rest of the coconut oil.
- The key to this super simple dish, is presentation. Layer your vegetables onto a board or a plate to give your veggies an artistic feel, also the notion of digging into it.Then place your salmon on top at an angle. Because our eyes eat first.
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