Zesty Orange Shrimps with Apples & Peas Purée
By Nour Bahgat • February 8, 2016
4 servings
30 min

This recipe is an entry to #MyBestDish cooking competition with Easy-Pan.com.
This is my own recipe. I created it as I love to pair the zesty flavors with shrimps giving them a lift and a refreshing taste. The peas purée is a unique dip for the zesty shrimps. It also adds a vibrant green color to the dish making it look even prettier! The round apple slices give a nice crunch and flavor that compliments all the flavors. Enjoy this creative recipe and happy cooking!
- 1 cup basmati rice - أرز بسمتي
- 1/2 kg shrimp (medium-size & tail on) - جمبري
- 3 tablespoon coriander (chopped) - كزبرة
- 1/2 kg peas (frozen) - بسلة
- 3-4 tablespoon olive oil - زيت زيتون
- 1 1/2 teaspoon sea salt - ملح البحر
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper corn - فلفل اسود حب
- 4 sprig thyme - زعتر
- 1 orange - برتقالة
- 1/2 apple - تفاحة
- 6 piece cherry tomatoes (cut in half) - طماطم تشيري
- 2 baguette (rounds) - خبز باجيت
- 11/2 cup water - ماء
Step by step
- Preheat your oven broiler. Cut 2 round 1-cm thick slices of baguette. Brush with 1/2 teaspoon olive oil and broil for 3-4 minutes.
- In a medium pot, add basmati rice, water and 1 teaspoon salt. Bring to a boil, cover and let it simmer for 25 minutes.
- In the meantime, rub defrosted shrimps with olive oil, some orange juice, salt and pepper. Heat a pan, add the shrimps and let it cook for 3-4 minutes. Add remaining orange juice to the shrimps while cooking to caramelize the shrimps. Remove from the heat.
- Using a potato grater, slice 4 this round pieces from the largest diameter of the apple.
- Wash frozen peas with hot water. In a food processor, add peas, olive oil, salt & pepper and process until smooth. Transfer the peas purée to a pipping bag.
- Mix chopped cilantro with cooked basmati rice.
- To assemble the dish, spoon rice into flat plate and top it with shrimps. Place an apple slice next to each shrimp. Pipe some peas purée next to the rice ending it with the toasted bread topped with fresh thyme sprigs. Garnish the peas pure with the slices cherry tomatoes.
I love the look of these recipes. Even though I am in UK, I will definitely try them out and share with friends. I’m back in Cairo in April. My favourite city.
Thanks Sam for your lovely comment. Let us know what recipes you try and your feedback! Have a great trip.